“Lucas is a creative and rigorous creator working as a scenographer, designer, director, and devised theatre maker. He is deeply engaged in pressing topics, especially sustainability and climate change in his work, and how the diverse web of people in the work adapt to our world.”

— IAN GARRETT, MFA Supervisor, Director of the Centre for Sustainable Practice in the Arts, producer for Toasterlab, and Associate Professor of Ecological Design for Performance at York University

“He created a supportive but challenging atmosphere, with a class framework that nurtured our independence and creativity. They encouraged us to pursue our own ideas and take risks with our creations, while also helping us meet the curricular criteria.”


“Lucas' class is dynamic, insightful and the students learn theatre through experimental learning. He is always advocating for inclusivity, taking care of those who need guidance and support with kind but firm approach.”

— BERENICE SANDERS, Colleague and Collaborator, Graphic Designer

“Lucas is a very inspiring and supportive teacher. I particularly appreciated his help coaching me for the production, during which he helped me be more confident and loud with my voice on stage. I also really admire the environment he fostered in our group, of passionspiritattention to detail, and resourcefulness. ”


“Lucas not only motivated and cared for me as a trusted adult and advisor on campus, but he pushed my creativity...giving me the best possible advice as to how I could achieve the highest grade, and simultaneously improve and mature as an artist.”


“When walking in Lucas' immediate warmth and safety was brought into our class.  I would say that that his kindness and authenticity was what shined through the most.”


“His approach to teaching was both innovative and immersive. One of the most effective methods he employed was encouraging us to "walk about the stage". This simple yet powerful exercise helped us connect with the space, understand its dynamics, and find our own physical presence within it.”


“Working with Lucas helped me explore the intersectionality of art and human experience. Lucas is extremely approachable and creative; it is always a pleasure to listen to his art talks since I found all of them extremely engaging.”


“Lucas has the rare ability to bridge and connect ideas, thoughts, art, magic and spirituality to form a space where students learn and engage at a level that not only meets them where they are at but encourages them to explore the depth of their own creativity and limits as a learner. He teaches at a level of exceptional and inspirational.

— REBECCA BEAUCHAMP,  Director of Indigenous Initiative and Engagement, Pearson College UWC

“Lucas inspired so much awe within me through nurturing spaces of performance, that I credit much of my courage with theatre and self expression to them. In fact, I wouldn't be in Drama School right now without the breathtakingly beautiful joy and talent that Lucas radiates when it comes to the world of performance.”


“Lucas brought new ideas and new approaches that brought an environment of excellent quality and professionalism that students and colleagues alike were eager to thrive in. His impetus resulted in a whole new lighting and sound setup so although he was with us for only one summer his impact and legacy was impressive and felt to this day.”

— MARK GAWRONSKI, Colleague and Collaborator, Brown Ledge Camp

“Lucas is an insightful, intelligent, thoughtful, creative, and fun collaborator. I cherish the productions we worked on together as true collaborations with an exchange of ideas and inspiration, with clear and compassionate communication, stimulating design, and reliable and professional execution."

— JULIA PROCTOR, Founding Director of Clown Gym, Faculty at NYU Tisch Drama

"Lucas' approach to his work is firmly rooted in his humanity, compassion and genuine belief in the capacity of all those he works with, youth and adult alike. He is a deep thinker who strives for equity, creativity, and higher purpose in all that he does. Lucas' leadership is kind and strengths focused. Working with Lucas is a joyful and transformative experience. Those who have the privilege to work with him leave feeling supported, challenged and changed for the better. Skills that make Lucas an effective leader are his dedication to active listening and clear communication, his confidence to speak up when something needs to be addressed and his willingness to learn and unlearn from those around him. Lucas has a commanding presence, he can guide and engage a group of 5 or 100 with ease and confidence. Not to mention his artistic background is such that any activity, program, or lecture he creates is beautiful, engaging and skillfully created with the audience in mind. Lucas is an educator, activist, artist, humanist and leader. Any organization would be privileged to have him on their team and his contributions would be creative, meaningful and transformative.


School Counsellor and Wellness Coordinator, Pearson College UWC - Registered Clinical Counsellor, Curriculum Developer and Educator